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How to fall back to sleep

If you’re having trouble getting back to sleep after waking up, it’s a good idea to avoid anything mentally stimulating and to focus on relaxing.

The following 10 tips may help you.

1. Get rid of bright lights or loud sounds

If you’re having trouble falling back asleep, look for any lights in your bedroom that may be disturbing you. LED lights from electronics and light coming through your window make it more difficult to fall back asleep.

If a disturbing sound is coming through your window from outside, try shutting your window to block it out. Using earplugs, turning on a fan, or listening to white noise can also help you drown out disturbing sounds.

2. Get out of bed and move

Many sleep experts recommend getting out of bed and going to a different room if you’re unable to fall back asleep within about 20 minutes.

Moving into a different room and doing something relaxing to distract your mind for a few minutes may make it easier to fall back asleep when you return.

3. Avoid staring at the clock

Staring at the clock may make you feel anxious about not sleeping, especially if you already deal with generalized anxiety disorder.

Research from 2019 Trusted Source found that the link between anxiety and sleep may work both ways. People who deal with anxiety often worry about falling asleep and people who have trouble falling asleep often feel anxious.

4. Avoid checking your phone or other screens

Screens from smartphones and other electronics emit blue light that may suppress your body’s melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland in your brain that helps regulate your circadian rhythm and sleep cycles.

While it’s best to avoid checking your phone at night because of the potential for mental stimulation, there are some ways to reduce your exposure to blue light.

Many devices offer a nightshift mode that changes your screen to a warmer tone. Glasses with amber lenses are also an inexpensive way to block out blue light.

5. Meditate or try breathing exercises

Performing breathing exercises or meditating may help calm your mind and induce sleep. These techniques may also distract you from worrying about falling asleep.

One exercise you can use is called the 4-7-8 breathing technique. With this technique, you inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale through your mouth.

6. Relax your muscles

One technique that many people find helps them relax and sleep is performing a full-body body scan.

Here’s one way you can perform a body scan:

Close your eyes and breathe slowly.Focus on your face and think about relaxing each of the muscles.Move to your neck and shoulders and think about relaxing them too.Continue relaxing muscles in different parts of your body until you make it to your feet.

7. Keep your lights off

Even if you get out of bed, resist the temptation to turn on your lights. As with phone screens, the bright light can interfere with your body’s production of melatonin and stimulate wakefulness.

8. Focus on something boring

Any variation of the classic “counting sheep” technique, or a boring task that occupies your mind, may help distract you and make falling asleep easier. Reading a boring article or book may also work.

A part of your brain called the nucleus accumbens plays a role in motivation and pleasure. Research from 2017Trusted Source suggests that this part of your brain might be the reason why you often feel sleepy when bored.

9. Listen to relaxing music

Relaxing music may help relax your mind and coax you to sleep. It can also block sounds that may be disrupting your sleep.

Research from 2018 Trusted Source has found that personal preference plays a large role in determining what type of music is best at stimulating sleep for each individual. You may want to experiment with several different types until you find one that works for you.

10. Try sleep apps

Many people find that sleep apps help them fall asleep faster by making them feel relaxed. There are many sleep apps on the market that offer relaxing stories, music, or sounds. Many of these apps offer free trials to give you time to find one that works for you.